It's been a while
Sebenernya gak tau mau posting apa. Berhubungan hari ini hari terakhir di tahun 2017 tiba-tiba pengen diem dan mikirin what's exactly happened in my life selama setaun belakangan ini. Unfortunatelly not too much! :)
Banyak goals tahun sebelumnya yang belum terealisasikan. Salah satunya, menurunkan berat badan. LOL. I know it's so cheesy but loosing a pounds is hard as hell-- for me. But hey I finnish my final report and I'm gonna graduate on March--Hopefully.
Not too bad. Not bad. At all.
I still can't move my ass and taking an adventurous trip but hey i already steped my feet in the land of elephant and my parent didn't know about it.
I haven't save my money for my trip to jogja, buy i saved my money for buy a make up and my make up skills is getting better and better and better.
I didn't broke up with my boyfriend but we already celebrated our 5 years anniversary.
I haven't relase my first novel but I started writing in my blog, i tried to post and write regularly and still trying.
I haven't become a famous singer but I tried to came to an auditions and it soooo eye opening and I realize I'm not a 'Great Singer' as I always thought, it's just like "hey you dumb head, you're only an average singer go get your ass some practice!" I got a punch on my face. I shouldn't be swell-headed with only a lil piece gift from Allah because there are a lot people who can sing better than I do.
There are sooooooooooo many 'Life Goals" that i haven't achieve in this year. Obviously i felt so wasted and sooo useless. The more i think of it the more i got hurt, the more i forget how to be grateful with what i had, with what I've been through.
So here I am, sitting on my bed try to remember everything try to rethink and try to fix everything.
Then I realize, I forgot about the Process. Even when I didn't achieve my goals that I already set up exactly a year a go, it's doesn't mean that I'm WASTED or Useless or UNSUCCES I'm just forget that I've been try, maybe I didn't put my 100% at least I tried, and now I have to try harder.
sometimes I regret about everything, I regret about my life and I really want to redo everything but then again...
Success is a Journey, not a destination. The doing is more important that the Outcome
I have to learn how to love the process so I didn't forget that I actually taking an action to make my goals and dreams come true. May be not now. I just have to take a small steps and try harder and trust the process because Allah knows what He's doing.
So, guys, have you achieve your dreams? Are you ready to set another goals? Get ready to work for it!
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